Coin Master Best Villages For Cards

Coin Master Best Villages For Cards 5,7/10 1827 votes

Coin Master Villages list Villages serve as the levels in Coin Master. There are five different buildings you must construct in each level. In order to complete a level and advance to the next Village, you must upgrade all of the structures in your current village to 5-star Rating. Coin Master Boom Levels are just like normal villages in Coin Master. What makes them different from the rest of the villages is that they are more enriched with bonuses like chests & cards. You can find many things in boom villages that are generally rare in other villages. Coin Master Card Collection is side Quest which gives a huge bonus of spins and coins when you complete them. There are more than 33 categories, and each has 09 Cards in them, you need to find those 09 Cards and your Card set will be complete.

Chances of getting specific cards in Coin Master are not even. Some cards are harder to get than others. In order to get rare cards you buy a lot of chests and be lucky or trade them with others (or get them gifted). If not gifted the best way to trade is trading for same value cards. Below you will find a list of all difficult to get cards, their value and from which village you can open them. Use this list to do trades that benefit both parties. If you are looking for gold cards you should check out this article about Viking Quest.

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What card was the most difficult for you to get?

Below you find the list of all rare cards and their value, but what was the hardest card for you to get? Please let me know!

Coin Master rare cards list

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In the list below you will find all cards that are supposed to be rare to extremely rare. You can search in this list or order on column. This list will be updated when values change or new sets are added. If you want tips and tricks on how to play Coin Master and get more difficult cards follow us on Facebook.

Table below updated April 2020. I don’t know all sets the cards are from. If you can help by telling me from which card set the rare card is, please let me know in the comments.

Coin Master Best Villages For Cards

Questions about hard to get cards answered

Is this card rare?

Some cards are more difficult to find than others. If the card is on the list above you know it is rare and you now it’s value.

How can I get rare cards

There are a few ways how to get your rare cards. First the card you need has to be unlocked. If done, than start buying chests or trade the card with someone. Make sure you know the value of the card so you don’t pay too much.

Can I buy rare cards?

Yes. If you can’t wait anymore to get or trade your rare card than you can buy it. On Ebay all cards can be found. But make sure you don’t get scammed while buying.

I’ve build my villages too fast, now i miss a lot of cards. How can I get the missing cards?

If you have a lot of unfinished card sets than you might have build too soon. Stop building en start buying card sets. If you buy enough cards the missing will come. The longer you wait, the harder cards are going to get.

How can I make sure I don’t get scammed while trading a rare card?

If you trade with a person you don’t know it is a good idea to ask an admin of the group te help you. Admins you can trust and they will make sure you make a good trade.

Where did you find your Coin Master rare cards

A good way to help each other is to share where you have found your rare cards. Other people can buy some more chests to get these cards also. So please let me know via the comments in which type of chest in which level you found your rare cards. Please state whether it is was in a wooden chest, golden chest of magical chest and in what village you were when you found the card. This also helps to check if the list of boom villages is still correct.

Use Facebook to get difficult cards

A good alternative way to get the harder to get cards is to ask for them in Facebook groups. Some groups are for trading, others are giving them away. Most groups that give those cards for free is that they ask you to donate some cards to the group. This way other people get helped too.

Your opinion on rare cards in Coin Master

Do you think some rare cards are missing in this list or do you think the value mentioned is wrong? Please let me know so we can keep this list updated and have everybody complete their sets. Nothing better than getting some extra spins to move on in Coin Master.

Coin Master has unique gameplay where fellow players attack and raid your villages for extra items and loot. Consequently, you can also do the same as it is an easy and sure-shot way of instantly earning some in-game currency.

But if you are a new player and your villages are being raided continuously by other players, then you might be on the hunt for some strategies to save your villages.

1Here are some quick tips to help hide villages and protect them from potential invaders.

Here are some quick tips to help hide villages and protect them from potential invaders.

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1. Hold Out On Building Villages

This ploy is the best tip that I can give to anyone. Although you might be inclined to build your first village as soon as you acquire enough currency, there are many reasons that you should be holding out to do so.

Firstly because half-way villages will be easily attacked if you are stacking coins midway. Moreover, building different villages in a single streak will give you an advantage over other players and help you save time and coin as well.

So if you are planning on your first build, make sure you stack up on enough coins. And if possible, you should start building when you have enough coins for at least two or three different villages.

2. Use Shields

Shields are a great way to protect your villages from invaders. This in-game tool can be acquired through slots and is not available for purchase in the in-game store.

This unavailability makes it a rare item that ensures that none of your invaders will be able to get past the first wave of attack on your village. Shields work by putting a protective layer around your village and repelling any invading attack from your fellow players that it may encounter in the process.

A shield can be used only once, and it will break every time after it has repelled an attack. So make sure that you regularly visit the slots to get enough shields just in case you are facing constant invasions in your village.

3. Hatch A Rhino

Coin master allows you to hatch a single pet in every village. Each pet has its advantages and disadvantages, and the best one to counter any incoming invasion from your enemies is the ‘Rhino.’

Once you hatch a rhino, it has a specific win rate against blocking enemy attacks on your village. Upgrading your rhino will increase this win rate and, in turn, increase the chances of your village repelling an incoming invasion.

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Unlike shields that are a single-use item, your rhino will always be available to counter enemy attacks. The more you upgrade him, the higher your chances of evading an incoming invasion. Just make sure that your pet is fed regularly to keep him active.

Coin Master Best Villages For Cards Graded

If your rhino is not fed, he will be inactive, which would render your village vulnerable for enemy attacks and raids.